????A quick recap of the results from today’s webinar…

☑️ 327 registered
☑️ Maxed out our Zoom capacity (105 on live)
☑️ 29 strategy sessions scheduled

I keep saying…One topical webinar per month (promoted & syndicated the right way) can drive your entire content & lead generation machine…


Here’s the video transcript for your reference:

Well hey guys, it’s Josh Nelson with the Seven Figure Agency and I want to shoot this quick, live video. This wrapped up our monthly topic webinar for the month, which I keep saying, one webinar per month, can really drive your entire content engine. It can drive your lead flow machine within your digital marketing agency. So this month we did it on with how to win with Google local service ads. Topic that’s really interesting within our niche, for our home services, plumbing, and HVAC niche.

Just wanted to shoot this quick video. Kind of show you guys what the results were, and kind of walk you through the thought process. So, we promoted this via email heavily to our list. We promoted it heavily on the social media, mostly to our targeted audiences. Had a great, great registration read. 327 people. That’s a record for us in terms of registrants for one of our webinars. It’s a good and a bad thing. The good thing was we got a bunch of people registered. Kind of bad, we maxed out Zoom webinars, which that’s the first time that’s ever happened as well. Couple people sent us a screen shot saying they were trying to log in and they couldn’t get in.

So the positive ramification there is lots of social proof. There was over a hundred people trying to get in to this thing. So there were people excited about the content, and excited about what was shared. The bad new is a couple people got left out, but we’re going to be able to syndicate this. We’re going to be able to share this. It’s going to have a continuing affect.

You can see, one of the big things I always talk about is promote the webinar to build relationship with the list. Actually I should have shared this. So down here, 327 people registered. Here’s a screen shot, Zoom maxed out, couldn’t take any more capacity. Very exciting.

So I talk a lot, you promote the webinar and then you move people straight to appointment. So the key thing here is, yes we want to create content, but the reason we create content is to get scheduled strategy sessions with our ideal prospects. So you can see our application process goes where they register and it takes them straight to a page that says, hey thanks for registering on video. Thanks for registering, if you found this interesting, let’s schedule a time to talk. It takes them straight to our appointment calendar and you can see it here, a bunch of people pre-scheduled in advance.

We had great, great traction on this. As a matter of fact, I’m going to pull up the exact stats here. 327 registered. We maxed out at 105 live. We have 29 scheduled strategy sessions for our agency, all on this topic of local service ads, where we can talk about how to maximize their lead flow and really how to grow their agencies. So it was a successful event.

If you’d like to learn about this strategy. How to run topical webinars, position yourself as the expert, create great content, syndicate it in a strategic way, and really build live authority. Get prospects coming into your world on a consistent basis. Type ‘webinars’ down in the comments box and I’ll point you to a resource we got that really unpacks this in depth.

So that’s it for now. I hope you have an awesome weekend. I just wanted to shoot this while it was live and topical for me. I’ll talk to you later.