Out of all the things I do in the Seven Figure Agency for our members, this is my favorite…

At the Seven Figure Agency, we do a lot of things to help digital agencies grow and scale. We offer coaching, swipe and deploy strategies, and organize groups of highly successful people. But my favorite thing that we do is the live intensives. We get together three times a year in Miami and spend two days digging deep into the things that can help you grow your agency: How do you land clients? How do you deliver results? How do you retain clients long-term? How do you scale? 

Something powerful happens when you step away from the day-to-day and immerse yourself in working on the business. You can’t quantify how powerful it is to be around other highly successful agency owners solving the same problems. Most breakthroughs happen at these events. I love being able to break bread and get to know each person in attendance.

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