Three years ago, Alan was struggling in his SEO & Web Design Business. His company was doing six figures, but there was no profit or consistency. He reworked his entire business model following the Seven Figure Agency Blueprint, and decided to focus on the Funeral Home Industry. His agency, Funeral Home Marketing Services now serves more than 81 clients, and is doing seven figures per year and continues to grow.

Click the video to watch the interview now.

Here Is A Quick Summary Of The Video Content

Alan shares tremendous insights into how he:

► Selected his niche, and the results he got from becoming an expert in a niche.

► Landed his first 5 clients ($5K in recurring revenue)—what he did and how he did it.

► Built a targeted prospect list, prepared for his calls with prospects, and landed strategy sessions with them.

► Markets the business today to bring in clients (and recurring revenue) on a consistent basis.

► Gets the work done for his clients while keeping his focus on sales and business development.

It really is an amazing interview, and a must-listen if you are serious about growing a highly successful digital marketing agency.

Connect With Alan Hillsburg

Connect With Josh Nelson

Josh Nelson
Alright, well Hey, everybody, thank you so much for joining me on this session. I could not be more excited because today I’m interviewing Alan Hillsberg from Funeral Marketing Services. I’ve been honored to be part of his growth and his progress as he’s grown his agency over the years. And you know, today we’re just going to talk about him and we are going to talk about his business, how he’s been able to grow and how he’s been able to scale it. So let me start by welcoming Alan to the call. Alan, thanks so much for taking the time today.

Alan Hillsberg
Josh, thank you for your kind words. Appreciate it. Thank you.

Josh Nelson
So let’s let’s dive right into it. Just to start off with just tell us a little about your agency and where it sits today. How many clients, approximate monthly recurring revenue, that type of stuff.

Alan Hillsberg
Well, going into February 2018, I’ve got 71 clients with monthly revenue at about $81,000 a month.

Josh Nelson
That’s awesome, man. And tell us how long you’ve been doing this for like, when did you get started in this particular vein of the business?

Alan Hillsberg
Well, I started March 7, 2015.

Josh Nelson

Alan Hillsberg
I’m a month shy of three years now.

Josh Nelson

Alan Hillsberg
I remember sitting by myself in Dunkin Donuts on a Saturday morning with pen and paper after coming up with the $600 deposit. It was the first payment of three installments to get involved with you. I could barely afford that initial deposit. And after absorbing the first module and your costs, I started to map out my game plan moving forward.

Josh Nelson
Nice. That’s phenomenal. So you said at $81,000 per month did I hear that right?

Alan Hillsberg

Josh Nelson
That’s fantastic. So that puts you at a run rate of seven figures or a million dollars a year in annualized revenue.

Alan Hillsberg
That’s correct.

Josh Nelson
Wow. And what an amazing journey that is because you’re telling me just like less than three years ago, you were stressing out about the $300 first payment you made in order to get into the seven figure agency program, right?

Alan Hillsberg
Yeah, yeah, it was a struggle. And you know, I needed to borrow that money.

Josh Nelson
Wow. That’s awesome man, I can’t wait to unpack this and talk about, you know, how you got here, what you’ve done because you’ve executed, which is amazing. Not everybody’s executed at the same level. So before we dive into that, tell us a little bit about the history. I know you didn’t just start like you’ve done web design and stuff for years. Let’s just start from the beginning with us as far as your evolution in this process.

Alan Hillsberg
Well, back in the 1990s, late 90s, I had a company called Top Listing.

Josh Nelson

Alan Hillsberg
This is five years before Google came into existence and I was doing SEO for different companies, optimizing for Alta Vista. You know, those search engines back then. And it was during phase and a public company came over to me and asked me if I wanted to sell my business. At the time, I had 17 clients. To them I said, What are you buying? I don’t have a clientele? They said because we don’t care how many clients you have. We’re interested in your, you know, your technology, you know, how you do what you do. So I sold that business for $100,000 in cash, you know, and it was, to me at that time was a big deal.

Josh Nelson

Alan Hillsberg
Looking back on it, if I did not sell that company, I would probably be living on an island right now.

Josh Nelson
Oh man.

Alan Hillsberg
I didn’t have that foresight. So I started going to work for other major companies doing work for them in the SEO field. And I got the itch to go back into doing business myself but for small businesses, and I started doing SEO all over again. And I’ve been doing SEO for years. Offering SEO services to everyone, but not really getting anywhere. For example, I remember doing a great job for a local restaurant, creating visibility in all the communities that were close to him. I helped develop incentives for customers to come back and I helped him with a systematic method of painting reviews.

The owner spoke highly of me and his attorney that handled his restaurant asked me to take over his account. So what I did was I applied the same strategies I used for the restaurant and applied them to the attorney. I did this with a bakery and with a dentist, and a clothing boutique and a local hairdresser all with mediocre results. So it was an endless stream of bringing on new clients and losing established old ones. It was exhausting. It was like an exhausting revolving door and it was very frustrating.

Josh Nelson
So I mean, it all sounds good, right? You got a restaurant you got them good results, you started getting referred to you know every other business in the local market. But it didn’t actually work that well for you.

Alan Hillsberg
No, it didn’t because I never really got to know that business the way you really need to get to know them tp really help them. It’s almost like a bumper sticker mentality. You read some of these bumper stickers and it’s a nice saying but the more you ask questions, the more you see how little they know. So I mean, I just felt that I did not really get to know my clients the way I really should. And it was on top of my mind, but I didn’t know how to change.

Josh Nelson

Alan Hillsberg
But one day I listened in on a webinar given by Mike Cooch selling the seven figure agency costs. And he had an interview with you. And what I knew I needed to do was break away from my method of doing business, as I saw so many in the same industry doing so much better than I and they were living a lifestyle I very much wanted for my family. So what resonated with me and still resonates with me from that initial seminar was recurring revenue charging enough for services, being niche specific and does the business sell a high ticket item.

Josh Nelson

Alan Hillsberg
Now, that day when I sat in Dunkin Donuts on that March 7, I just got involved in your costs. Paid that $600 I remember watching the first module, and I’ve got the handwritten notes in front of me. And what I wrote was exactly what I’m going to read to you. Now, what is exciting I’m doing the same service Josh Nelson is doing, except he’s doing it better. Where my services are fragmented. His service offerings are more organized. He offers the complete package to one niche. I offer anything to everyone. He establishes himself as an expert in one niche. I’m the master of none offering services to anyone. Another significant flaw is my price points are too low, not enough to offer clients a valuable service or enough money to create a profitable business.

So that’s how I started.

Josh Nelson
That’s amazing that you still have that note. And that was really a turning point for you.

Alan Hillsberg
Yeah. I mean, continuing on. I wrote he, (which is you) Josh charges an absolute minimum of a thousand a month. And I don’t have a customer paying me more than 500 a month. You know, so I saw all the flaws. And I really felt that I had something that I can really duplicate and really make my own.

Josh Nelson
Well, that’s amazing. It’s a tremendous story. One question that comes to my mind and I’m sure it’s going to come to mind the the others so 1990s you sell Type Listing for $100,000 then you go and you start working and you have your own agency again. How did you get to the point where that money dwindled away?

Alan Hillsberg
It goes fast.

Josh Nelson
Yeah. Yeah.

Alan Hillsberg
So I actually thought that I could take some time off. But now being a homeowner at the time, I had two small children and living off that money, you know, chunks of that money go very, very quickly.

Josh Nelson

Alan Hillsberg
I quickly realized that that was not a mountain of money. Although it was a nice windfall for a very small company that really didn’t have much. I knew that you know, I couldn’t just sit and you know, work with the money I had, I had to go out and you know, make a living.

Josh Nelson
Absolutely. All right. So that was kind of like the turning point, right? You have these notes, you’ve got this clarity on what’s wrong with the way you’re doing things. So, obviously, the next step was that you you chose this niche. How did you choose a niche? Tell us about that process.

Unknown Speaker
Well, I currently serve the death care industry.

Josh Nelson

Alan Hillsberg
My clients are predominantly funeral homes, but I also serve cemeteries and cemetery monument companies as well. It’s not as morbid as it sounds, it really isn’t.

I’m also now in negotiating with hospice organizations, which is a direct win for the funeral homes I serve. Social workers that work in hospice are a valued relationship to any funeral director. Social workers are highly trained to provide end of life care to terminally ill people. During the short time patients are in hospice, families start asking questions about funeral pre-planning, which is beyond the scope of the hospice worker, but the type of questions that a funeral director is trained to answer. So relationship development between the social worker and a funneral director is incredibly important, not to mention profitable. So, you know, that’s my business.

Josh Nelson
So funeral homes. And so in that selection of the niche, I know you kind of popped back and forth between a couple different options. Well, I guess what were the main things you were looking for as you chose this particular one?

Alan Hillsberg
Well, you know, I, I kind of leaned on, you know, pretty much everything that you’ve asked me to look at, which was recurrent, recurring revenue, charging enough services, being niche specific, does the business sell a high ticket item, are there associations associated with that niche?

Josh Nelson

Alan Hillsberg
Those were important. Are there enough companies in your niche doing a million dollars in sales per year. Are these funeral homes, or is this niche, one in which I can find these people and go after them? Is it seasonal? Those are all the questions that I asked myself. Each one of them gave me a green line.

Josh Nelson
Awesome. I remember kind of when you came down to the office with the group of people, and I remember you saying, look, this is the niche I’m going after, this is why I chose it, you were pretty passionate about, you know, it’d be resident for you that transaction value. And I remember Dean and I afterwards, kind of like, not sure you know, this wasn’t even on our radar. And, you know, it’s just so exciting to hear you tell me that that you’ve had this level of success and you know, being in this niche has been such a good fit for you. Tell us a little bit about the services you provide to the clients in your space.

Alan Hillsberg
Yeah, before I answer that yet, just to push forward on choosing this niche. Theres a book that I definitely recommend everyone read. It’s called Blue Ocean Strategy.

Josh Nelson

Alan Hillsberg
By W Chan Kim. And what they talked about is the fact that most markets are red oceans. They’re full of blood because all the sharks are feeding on the same pool of fish. So he takes a big step back, and he says that the first person who taught health, wealth, or relationships, was working in a blue ocean with no other sharks or competitors coming after their customers. But people quickly saw the success. So they jumped into the waters. Over time the waters grew red with sharks getting on the same customers. That’s why it became necessary for people to create their own blue oceans. So that’s where our sub markets began. And the first teachers in these sub markets experienced great success as well until people jumped in there and bloodied the waters. The smart people looked around and figured out what they could create inside of their submarket that could become a new opportunity to those customers. So what they did was they created a new blue ocean once again. And while I’m doing what I talked about this social workers and this hospice, I, when I talked earlier about social workers in a hospice environment, that’s a blue ocean. Yeah. And it was directly inside my niche. Yeah.

Josh Nelson
So kind of getting creative on what else you can do to create your own new blue ocean that’ll be different than anyone else.

Alan Hillsberg
Exactly. Exactly.

Josh Nelson
Awesome. So so let’s let’s dive into the services that you offer to your clients at this point.

Alan Hillsberg
I provide SEO services for all my clients, focusing not only on the city of town, they have a physical location but surely surrounding communities as well. I provide reputation management services for my client clients using a proprietary software that we develop, okay. We also provide video production and development, one on one video interviews, walkthrough of their facilities. That kind of thing, okay, in marketing for our clients on Facebook has been incredibly effective as well. I set my clients up not only to show up on Google when the family does a search, but we also take a proactive approach, reaching out to customers, branding our customers, reaching out to families and branding our customers with the living in that demographic web design that have developed some very useful web applications, that specific niche that we serve. It’s been working out well and we have a very high retention rate. I was very few clients throughout the year. And that’s all of my Success. And currently, we’ve been transitioning our clients into PPC as well. Okay.

Josh Nelson
So I mean, that’s awesome. It’s really a diverse set of services that are built specifically for the niche that you that you work in, obviously with an anchor around the website, the SEO and and video and other things that help position them and get them leads. Ultimately you’re generating leads calls and revenue producing opportunities for your clients.

Alan Hillsberg
Yes, not no doubt and and becoming niche specific. It’s easier to not not only get a client, but to help your client. When I’m in a competitive situation with another SEO firm. That’s not me specific. I immediately have the edge. You know, my client sees that I only work with funeral homes. I’m getting him funeral home testimonials. I’m getting him clients that he can call directly within his same niche. My competition can do that. Yeah, I also asked my, my clients to go back and ask that my competitor, so questions like, what is the difference between pre need and that need? Most of them can’t answer that. And if they can’t answer that basic question, they’ll never be able to serve the client. Yeah, also, I find that working with one industry I’m able to take the same strategies and apply them to another funeral home on my name and company because I know that they work and I’m able to really drill down and and work on strategies that really help my customers grow and help them generate more services each month

Josh Nelson
Yeah, that’s that’s the power right of the nice she’s because you guys actually understand the industry, you can actually generate results. And then you can systematized what you do so that you can apply your knowledge to every single client that you serve.

Alan Hillsberg
No doubt. So actually, I’m making I’m doing much better than I was when I was working for every type of company. And, um, it’s easier. The whole process was easier.

Josh Nelson
Yeah. That’s that. That’s super cool. And thanks for sharing kind of your suite of services and the different things that you do and I know you’re always trying to figure out what that blue ocean is not sitting only inside the internet marketing SEO box, but what else could you do now that you have these clients to serve them more and deliver on that key objective, which is to help them drive more leads more sales, better profitability?

Alan Hillsberg
Right? No doubt. Very cool.

Josh Nelson
So now what I asked is a question that that a lot of people are curious about. They want to know which is how did you get your first First Five clients and it’s exciting to see that you’re now at, you know, $80,000 per month 70 plus clients and we’ll talk about what you do today but for those first five, what was the strategy? How did you get those in your in your niche?

Alan Hillsberg
Well, hold on.

But here’s something I think this might be the most important line in this interview awesome. Tim Ferriss one said, where it came from one of his books. Life punish is the big wish and rewards the specific task. If you want confusion and heartache ask yourself a questions. If you want unpack uncommon clarity, and results, ask uncommonly clear questions. Fortunately, this is a skill anyone can develop. Often, well that stands between you and what you want is a better set of questions and That goes back to you pushing people to plan. They said that they, they plan, there is this clarity there. But you’ve got to ask yourself clear questions, not the questions. And that’s what I’ve done on the very, very beginning. Okay, so the first thing I did before putting together a website, what anything else was put together a keynote presentation. That was impactful. It took me two months to really get something down, I felt was exciting and helpful to the clients that I wanted to serve. Then at that point they got on the phone. But in order for carpooling to work, I needed to be realistic with myself. I knew I wasn’t making 50 calls a day. And if I did, I knew I wouldn’t be consistent day in and day out of that. I mean, you know, in a regular cold calling situation you call six businesses in a row and you get you get shot down by the gate gatekeeper six times. Yeah. Then what you do is you end up taking a break or wasting time doing something else, you know, the usual never, you’re never going to call 50 prospects a day. Not gonna happen. So I created a crystal clear plan to call and engage three prospects a day that agreed to either a follow up conversation with me or open minded to review information I’ll be emailing them. If I got those three per day I reached my goal and my cold calling for the day was over. Sometimes I’d make more calls. But the thing is, I just said it I set a realistic expectations for myself. So three interested prospects a day is 15 per week was 60 prospects that I am actually engage with in a month. That’s how I got my first five clients. And beyond

Josh Nelson
That, that’s amazing. So I have a couple of drill down questions on this. Because I think this, like you said, is probably the most important slide and what a lot of people are really interested in. So instead of making an infinite supply of calls, you made enough calls to make sure you had three specific interactions that I do want to drill down on that but

Alan Hillsberg
That would be 15 minutes, then my day was over. Okay, me six hours to get those three, then my day was over. But looking back on that time, I don’t think I spent more than, you know, three hours on a hard day, get the three calls. And that’s doable.

Josh Nelson

Alan Hillsberg
doable. So they

were I’m sorry,

Josh Nelson
no, I’m sorry. You go ahead. I didn’t mean to cut you off.

Alan Hillsberg
It might not sound like a lot. But it does add up mean three days. 15 people that had an expectation receiving information from you, or had agreed to a follow up call the end of the month that’s 60 calls, how many people that may be listening to this would like to be able to be negotiating with 60 different prospects right now? It could happen in the next 30 days.

Josh Nelson
That that’s how I mean it’s powerful stuff and you know, even a different perspective than I that I’ve heard. Where did you find the initial list? So this is something people are kind of struggling with, they pick their niche. Okay, I’m going to start to make some calls and do some direct mail and some email on did you use info USA Did you have some other source?

Alan Hillsberg
Yeah, usually info USA, okay. And now as you sell GG, they charge $167 a month, okay. Um, but I just felt that it was worth it because it was something that I was very clear on, you know, wasn’t on I wasn’t just buying a brand shiny object I had a plan that 167 was well spent.

Josh Nelson
So it was sales Genie calm powered by info USA. That’s correct. Yes. And in your particular case, the Did you feel like the data was pretty on point was it like good enough that you could make the calls and get to actual funeral homeowners in your case?

Alan Hillsberg
Well, the email list was not nelis was not good. I don’t care what they say the email list that they had was very outdated. A lot. A lot of the information came back, but I wasn’t emailing people. That doesn’t work. It never worked for me. Phone call email people. I think you’ll starve that’s my opinion on I will use that to call and it worked very well

as a cold calling.

piece of software phone,

Josh Nelson
okay. So then the follow up to that. So now you get your You’ve got your your, your list of people you’re prospecting to, which is just in Sales genie, thank you where you’re calling right out of sales Genie, so you didn’t have to export and import, you can just run your search and start plugging away. Pretty much okay. And then you start making your calls with the target in your mind. I’m going to get three people that expressed an interest in and are open to receiving my information. What was the approach on those calls? What was the verbiage? What were What were you saying?

Alan Hillsberg
I’m thinking back like I introduce myself. My name is Alan Hillsburg from Funeral Marketing Services. I exclusively work with funeral home suffering and generate more services per month. Can I show you some of the work I’ve done through past clients? Or can I send you some of the some of the things that have worked for my funeral home clients that could help you along those lines. Okay, I don’t have the exact script. Yeah, I can pull it off for everyone.

Josh Nelson
It would be great if you’re willing to pull it up. But so so that was the basic trop talk direct introduction. You know who you are. And and can I send you some information? It wasn’t can we schedule a time it wasn’t a straight to pitch, it was just trying to get their approval for you to send them a piece of follow up content.

Alan Hillsberg
Absolutely. Just don’t make it sophisticated. It’s just simple. Just get on the phone, make it don’t don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Don’t give yourself I’m going to make 100 calls today. Just make realistic goals for yourself and you will succeed. It doesn’t matter what niche you’re in. And then you’ve got to speak to people.

Josh Nelson
What was the piece that you’d said once they saw assuming in the perfect world? They say Yeah, sure. I’d like to have you send me some information.

Alan Hillsberg
Well, I know I was sending I built a video prior to that.

I was I built a video on showing them you know, they did every funeral home as a physical location in a particular area. So I would do a little bit of research and show them that because they had a physical location, that particular area, the propensity of their website coming up in that area is is great. And it usually does show in the three pack, okay. However, as they leave their area and go into neighboring communities and towns that they also serve, I would show them how they are drastically falling off. Now and I would prove that by spending some time showing them you know, screenshots so that this specific situation, okay, I told them that if we can now increase the visibility in these different areas Is that more calls will be coming in to their funeral home. And then I would go, I would go finish with this. I would show them how many calls came in how many Google searches came in for funeral homes in the last 30 days. She’s the dominant major keyword in this industry. You know, people are not referred and something happens. That’s the first thing they think about funeral homes. Yeah. I would show them how many times that was searched in a month. And I would tell them, you know, for every neighborhood walking, you get your attention, dozens in your demographic that don’t want to walk in that go to the internet to find the search for a funeral home for every referral you you get your attention doesn’t in your niche that are not referred that go online to find the funeral home. And I showed them the facts. It’s not me talking, I show them the facts by showing them the thousands upon thousands of searches that we’ve done that particular month. You know, I get them to the point where, hey, okay, show me more. And that’s when I went into my strategy session.

Josh Nelson
I love the I love the strategy of making a select number of targeted appointments or people where they say, yeah, I’ll take the information. Just curious on how you bridge the gap from ok. Now I’m going to send them this assessment that you said, How did you get them back on the call for the actual strategy session sales presentation?

Alan Hillsberg
Well, what I did was after I showed them this, I would tell them look, can I go ahead and evaluate your site, come back to you and show you how Google is looking at your site. And what I would consider the best strategies for your funeral home, based upon the number of services that you’re doing now, and how I can increase that by one to two per month, which will come out to, you know, 25 new services a year? And they would say, Yeah, that would be great. And then what I would do is call them back, you know, I would tell them, I need to do my research. I’m going to call you back. And I would do just that to set up the strategy session. I was very careful, even in the very beginning, not to go for the sale. I never go for the sale. It’s sort of like and I think I’ve told you this before I mentioned it in a in the mastermind meetings on when you meet a girl that she like, she could be beautiful. She could be everything you want. She could have a great personality. But you don’t ask her to marry her on the first day. Right? courtship involved in that courtship is the same time courtship that you need to build with your clients. Yeah. And that’s what I do with each and every client.

Josh Nelson
Awesome. So Alan, just tremendous the value. And just like you said, this one slide, you shared the secret sauce for your particular business on how you landed those first five clients. And, and for a lot of members, a lot of people come into this program. That’s their sticking point. They can’t get past that first, that first hurdle. And I think what you described is an example of permission based marketing, right? You’re not just cold calling, you’re not just, you know, blind emailing and calling up introducing yourself asking permission to send some information. Once they say yes, now they’re expecting that email, they send it, you add value, and you’re asking for permission then to show them where they’ve got issues and how you can help. And that really, in a nutshell, that’s what you did they get those first five and $5,000 a month of recurring revenue.

Alan Hillsberg
Well, first 20,000

Josh Nelson
you didn’t stop there, right you kept you kept following up. That. I mean,

Alan Hillsberg
I look even even now, I’m probably woefully behind on all the different types of things that could help me. You know, one thing I did learn to become is a great delegator. And when you asked me how I like to feel, I can explain that.

Josh Nelson
Okay, yeah, I’ll get to that in a little bit. It’s,

Alan Hillsberg
you know, I mean, the thing is that don’t make it hard for yourself. You still get rejection, but put it even even putting the goal of getting two people to talk to you for a day. I mean, at least at the end of the week, you’ve got 10 people to talk to, which if you look back on on five days from now, you’ll say to yourself, well, that’s 10 people that I haven’t had the opportunity to engage with, you know, 10 people is 400 people a month. Still a good number.

Josh Nelson
Yeah. So I mean, gold nugget number one is with some gold nuggets already, but probably the most Golden Nugget is set a target of three people that just accept you sending them some additional information. Don’t say okay, I’m going to sit here and plow through 100 calls, don’t just, you know, randomly blackout eight hours your day, set a target, work towards that target. If you do that you’re going to get some momentum, you’re gonna get some wins underneath your belt. So, such a powerful and salient nugget. Thank you for sharing that.

Alan Hillsberg
The other thing to that is when you’re putting this together, again, I’m going to repeat this if you want confusion and heartache. Ask yourself the questions. You want uncommon clarity and results. Ask uncommonly clear questions. All that stands between you what you want is a better set of questions. So you’ve got to ask yourself, what you’re going to talk to them about exactly what you Going to send to them how you going to follow up? I mean, it’s got to be as detailed and as crystal clear as possible. That’s the that’s the way I succeeded this. It’s really not hard to do. It just takes time to take a little bit.

Josh Nelson
Yeah, that’s a great great stuff. So that’s that’s how you get the first live obviously now you’re you’re at 70 plus clients on pace to be a million dollars per year and growing. So talk to talk to us a little bit about the marketing mix today. Is it still just the cold calling and you kind of opened it up to other things, but just kind of talk through where you’re generating most your coins from now?

Alan Hillsberg
I don’t do cold calling. I should set that up. Most of my I generate most of my business today by referrals. I’m written up now in the trade magazine. So I’m getting closer to coming in. Facebook advertising has been very good to me and trade shows I still follow up with one calls from my email list that I generated from way back when. But the bulk of my current sales of from the trade shows I’m doing and I plan on traveling, traveling a lot this year. I want to do I want to exhibit in 12 shows in fact is I mentioned to you earlier, Josh, before we came on this Monday to do my first show of the year in South Carolina. Nice.

Josh Nelson
So I mean, what’s what’s crazy what you’re seeing here is the year I mean, here you are in the funeral home niche, kind of a very small off the radar type of stage. There is an association is there is in most niches and their their meeting that frequently that you could you could literally go to 12 events.

Alan Hillsberg
Well, you go to a hospital and you see all these babies born when your wife gives birth. I don’t want to sound morbid, but you know, people that none of us get out of this world alive, none of us. I mean, you know qnd, you know, you can’t bury Uncle Bob in the backyard. Yeah, it’s not seasonal. You know, and it’s it’s a high ticket item. Yeah. It’s, you know, it’s something where, you know, death is a fact of life, unfortunately. Yeah. So, so there are there are associations out there because it is a big, big business.

Josh Nelson

Alan Hillsberg
It’s a close knit business, though, as I found out in the very beginning,

Josh Nelson

Alan Hillsberg
You know, these days, it’s, it’s, it’s not it’s not easy to talk to these people. And they are so set in their own ways. But you know, I could, I could do what I’m doing in any niche. And I probably would be successful in this. I have that confidence in just a matter of asking yourself, never said the questions on how you going to approach what you doing.

Josh Nelson
There you go. And so I remember kind of in this process you we were making cold calls. It’s like how do we accelerate the growth? What can we do next? And I from day one, I always encourage people find the associations get involved in their events, I promise you when you do that, you’re going to start to see some additional inbound lead flow. And it sounds like that’s rang true for you. Yes,

Alan Hillsberg
yes. And what I’d like to add to this is the webinars which which I plan on doing

Josh Nelson
any webinars will be powerful for you especially because you’ve already got the the all these people that you did the permission based marketing to that kind of know who you are, whether they did business or not, if you’re doing value added content, where they’re seeing Alan as the expert sharing great ideas on how to more effectively market themselves in the funeral home space to generate more leads that’s going to you know, magnetically attract even more of those guys to you.

Alan Hillsberg
Yeah, I think I have a good good momentum. With that, yes,

Josh Nelson
that’s great. So you’d say so the lion’s share is referrals of current funeral home guys that you’re doing business with that just like you that much. They’re like, hey, I’ve got a buddy across the other side of the state or the country that would would be interested in your services potentially.

Alan Hillsberg
Well, yes, that and also, last month, I showed you an article, three page article that was written about us about the company and we get referrals through that magazine. But predominantly from customers that are talking to other customers that hey, look, I’ve got somebody that has made me a better has positioned my company better than I’ve ever had anybody position you before, then really, that’s really great. That’s a great feeling.

Josh Nelson
It’s powerful. I mean, so if you don’t mind as it relates to the Facebook ads, because that’s the 3d great you get somehow you’re targeting funeral home directors on Facebook. Can you tell us a little bit about how you did that targeting not necessarily for funeral homes specifically, but kind of in general?

Alan Hillsberg
Yeah, if you recall on on the Facebook group, I posted my whole method in which I attain clients through the press releases we were writing. Yep. And what we would do is work for clients. I do this for my trade shows as well. What I do is I will offer a free test drive, I tell them that I will go ahead and rank that business at no charge at all. I will get them on the top of Google in in in a town that they have low visibility in on the hapa high traffic profile keyword, such as like funeral pre planning, and I will do it absolutely free, no strings attached and I will show you how I’m going To do it, and I’m going to show you and I’m going to show you my results as well. So that when any if you’re ready to hire a marketing company, I might be one that you may consider. So that’s what I do. And on Facebook I offer this you know marketing for free and with no strings attached, and I get people that come sign on

Josh Nelson
that’s that’s, that’s amazing. It’s a great it’s really a great strategy that you know, you can deliver on every single time get them impressed and and then obviously get there get their business once you take them through the sales process.

Alan Hillsberg
And then no doubt about it. Every time it works every time and I’m, you know, even the people that don’t sign on, I’m creating great friendships with them. They see that with a real deal. I got them in a marketing list. An email marketing list, they’re retargeted. No doubt that they’ll become customers one day.

Josh Nelson
Awesome. And so just to kind of drill down on, you know, he shared this strategy and he you know, he’s very open with what’s working for him. If ultimately he’s telling you, I’m going to give you a free test drive, he creates a press release targeting one of the surrounding towns, that’s not their main town for their their anchor keyword, writes a press release, pushes it out, and then can a couple days later, say hey, I told you I was gonna give you the test drive. I did it. Check this out. This is where you rank. And if I could do this for you in this period of time, imagine if we were working together and ongoing something along those lines, right, Alan?

Alan Hillsberg
A little deeper than that. What I would do is I would tell them, Listen, give me seven minutes on the phone. Let me share my screen with you. Let me show you what we’ve done for one customer. So I would show them the actual results. I would show them the Press Release results. And then I would bring them to a seven slide presentation and show them exactly what our thinking was going into this and what we’re trying to do what we’re trying to accomplish by not manipulating Google, but by giving Google what they want. So they’re very, very impressed with that. And when they see that I’m able to do that for them. And they understand through the transparency and transparency that I’m offering them. It’s really, really simple to get the strategy session. Often. I mean, I have no absolutely zero pushback.

Josh Nelson
It’s a it’s a dynamite. It’s really a dynamite strategy. And obviously, it’s working extremely well for you. It took me two and

Alan Hillsberg
a half years in development. I mean, you know, trial and error and, you know, seeing what works and what doesn’t, but it does work. Also those videos that I showed you one day I had a conversation to really some good stuff that people just are in customer.

Josh Nelson
Yeah, you might explain what that is what.

Alan Hillsberg
But there are a series of 20 second commercials that you’re able to any in any niche, put in your own word. And it’s something that you know, anybody wants to really see, I would need to show you. So certainly you guys have access to me. Let me know how I can help. I can show you some strategies that you might be able to apply to your niche. Awesome,

Josh Nelson
great, great stuff. So just one quick follow up question on this. How did you target the people on Facebook? Is it just basic interest targeting? Did you take an email list and important in order to to match up so that your ads are actually sinking to funeral home directors?

Alan Hillsberg
Well, first I went with the targeting and interests and that did work. And then I went to my email list. And I imported that. And that worked as well, they both work.

Josh Nelson
Yeah. So there’s lots of ways to get creative with Facebook targeting I guess is the point, when you start to get some organic traffic, you can retarget that group right on Facebook and you start to develop a bigger and bigger list of people that you can hit on Facebook. And then if you get a big email list through the type of marketing that Alan’s doing, then you can import that into Facebook and make that a targeted audience. So really, really cool stuff. And then the strategy as far as what you’re offering them is unique. You’re offering them a free test drive, and that test drive strategies working well on Facebook, as well as at the trade shows. Because

Alan Hillsberg
absolutely, people want things for free. And look again, I’m looking to build that relationship I’m on you know, these these press releases and everything I’m doing for them is that quality face. Yeah, I want them to I want to bring them into my company, so that I can show them what I can do. Yeah. able to bring them in, I could show them what I can do. I’m going to get them as a client, or at least I’m halfway there. So it’s a great way in which I could do that. I don’t hold anybody, you know, look, they don’t want to buy from me. And there are some that don’t. That’s okay. I stay in touch with them, and I’m still friends with them. I know, sooner or later, I will get them.

Josh Nelson
That’s awesome. So I mean, guys, what you have gotten in the last 30 minutes is exactly what Alan’s done from a strategy positioning perspective, and from a sales and marketing perspective, to build a seven figure, digital marketing agency and is very niche focused business. So we talked about what you do to generate clients. Which of these tends to generate the most like what what are the the lion’s share of your new clients coming from?

Alan Hillsberg
Hands down treasures, okay? Right now, right now, hands down. I started


trade shows in September of 2017. Okay, only a few months ago, and that trade show was in New Jersey. I think I’ve landed five or six clients from the trade show alone. One of them is now one of my biggest clients. In fact, I closed them last week and I put a put a little video up in my mastermind group. He sees he’s generating $4600 a month from me. Wow. And he’s on a yearly contract and he couldn’t be more happy.

Josh Nelson
That’s, that’s phenomenal. That’s phenomenal. So and and this is one of those strategies I always suggest, right? You you find the associations you get into their, their events. I think the next strategy for you to even accelerate further is to speak at those events, which I know you’re working on, but yes, I get So much pushback. A lot of you guys running these digital marketing agencies, whether you’re in the startup phase, you’re kind of in the growth phase, you like to be behind the screen you like to sit at your desk, going to trade show takes work, right yet the book of plane, you got to get a hotel, you gotta fly out there. But if you do it right and you put the energy in, it’s going to reap rewards long into the future, as Alan can attest to.

Alan Hillsberg
No doubt.

Josh Nelson
So let’s let’s talk now about how you retain and how you fulfill because, you know, you’re a one man, business owned entity, you don’t have a business partner, that’s kind of the operations guy behind the scenes. You’re the you’re the main guy, right? You sell you fulfill you implement. So talk to us a little bit about your fulfillment strategy. How do you, you know, you’ve got all these 70 plus clients, and you’ve grown it in less than three years. How did you get the work done?

Alan Hillsberg
Well I run lean, but I’m very profitable. Most of my fulfillment is done remotely. Okay, great success. I have a web development team that knocks it out of the park for me every time whether they’re building websites updating with developing new products, they are on time and they’re very cost effective.

Josh Nelson
Is it an outsource provider? Or is it your own team that you have that works remote?

Alan Hillsberg
He pretty much works for me. I give him enough work, but he is a freelancer so to speak. But most of most of all, his work is coming directly from me. Okay, great.

Josh Nelson
UpWork or Where did you find this?

Alan Hillsberg
I actually found them on up work. Okay, great. This is now prior to starting with you, I believe. But yeah, you know, take This trial and error that because you know people overseas especially, they’ll tell you anything to get it to make up, you know, get get your money, but not all of them really care enough about what they’re doing. You know, and to find that company that really cares about customers and looks at money second is difficult, but that’s what you need to find if you’re looking to outsource. Yeah. So he does knock it out of the park for me, and he’s got a team, and they pretty much work exclusively for me. For me, I’ve got an SEO team as well, actually three teams that share my client base with great results, and they provide quality reports twice a month, all of my name. I have outside content writers mostly content writers in each specific, that right, awesome content for me, and I’ve got outside social media freelances that are creative and responsible for the Facebook advertising I do for myself and for my clients. I do have full time help here for customer service support. We take a proactive approach by communicating with all our clients consistently showing our our results and providing them with our goals and expectations over the next 30 to 90 days. And this setup has been extremely successful for me, because my payroll is low.

Josh Nelson
That’s awesome.

Alan Hillsberg
And by subcontracting services out effectively, my freelancers get paid only from my recurring revenue. So there’s no wasted spending, which means more profits to me.

Josh Nelson
Yeah. And so I mean, it’s pretty, pretty amazing the way that you set it up where you get the skeleton clock crew in house to facilitate the seven figure agency and then the Highly trusted and reliable subcontractors that you’ve got that are

Alan Hillsberg
doing all the work

Josh Nelson
that are doing the work and accountable to you and but aren’t necessarily w two employees or you can pay them as, as a not.

Alan Hillsberg
And I, you know, in New York we have a we have a state taxes, employment taxes, which everybody has, but I’m saying a lot of money doing it this way. And it took me a long time to find the right outside people, but it’s worth it. I spent a lot of time becoming an expert delegator and I’m still learning how to delegate but I’m getting there. Also, I have in house is very lean crew of customer service specialists that you know, that that take the work that comes in and distributes it out and speaks to the clients but pretty much Their job is to speak to my my clientele. Okay, you know, I’m And also you know the the press release work. But but again that inside

that inside cost is minimal.

Josh Nelson
Yeah, that was not

Alan Hillsberg
my pockets are stay high.

Josh Nelson
Yeah, absolutely no better no better setup than that or you don’t have to have the overhead you don’t have to have the big office. And obviously it’s working well for you.

Alan Hillsberg
Yeah. And then you know, everybody comes back to me How come you don’t have you don’t know this are using Active Campaign. Well, I don’t even know what that is. I just hear that word. I don’t need to know it. I got these people doing it for me. Right. You know, I mean, it’s some It is nice. No, I’m getting more involved with Click Funnels. I find that to be very useful, but but I got it. I got other people that are doing it for me, and I’m managing

Josh Nelson
very, very nice.

Alan Hillsberg
I am doing all the sales no only because I Do like you?

Josh Nelson
And you’re good at it. You’re your expert status at it. Yes. So that that’s phenomenal. I did it. I did a webinar last year around this time with with Jeff on the topic of building up a team because he’s got a lot he had a large team at the time of subcontracted employees. So I’ll post a link to it somewhere along with this video, in case you want to go back and learn a little bit more on how to build a up work style virtual virtual team. And I’m sure Alan you could you could put together a great piece of content on that as well since you’ve got your own team that you’ve developed.

Alan Hillsberg
Who are you know, I never heard that interview lucky here.

Josh Nelson
Oh, no. Okay. Yeah, I’ll definitely share it. Anything else you want to add on the topic of fulfillment and client relationship or client management?

Alan Hillsberg
Well, well, I told you is pretty much all it is. keeping things simple, but having asking I asked myself that questions that I did last month last year and continue to do so.

Josh Nelson
I will say kudos to you on this front because not only have you sold a lot of clients, but your attention is probably the best I’ve seen where literally, you’re not losing but a handful of clients in this entire this entire three year span. It’s just phenomenal.

Alan Hillsberg
Well, yes, I bought plus some clients but it might be retention rate is high. I spend a lot of time on that. It’s one of my KPI. It’s one of the most important things to me because it’s a lot easier to maintain a client to find the new one. I also realized that if I put a put on five new clients a month, it does me no good if I’m losing, you know, there’s a hole in the bottom of the bucket. Yeah. Is it coming out so I spend a lot of time with my clients and make sure that they’re happy. But my services are good, that personalized and my car I’m making better cars. summers, and they feel it. So they see value in the services that I’m providing. And that value is translating into a retention.

Josh Nelson
Nice. Fantastic, fantastic stuff. So kind of kind of getting to the close of this interview and this has been it’s been tremendous. guys start to get your questions ready because we’ll we’ll open up we’ve got a lot, a lot of you online, which I’m really excited about. This should be hundreds of people really listening in because this is so powerful. What when Alan is sharing. So you’re an active learner, you’re proactive in your personal growth. What are some of the books and training programs that have had a big impact on on your growth and your success?

Alan Hillsberg
I’m currently reading Russell Brunson’s Expert Secrets. Okay,

Josh Nelson

Alan Hillsberg
I’m telling you guys, it’s a book you need to get to me. It’s written specifically for agencies. And his ideas and the way he conveys his ideas are absolutely genius, really are that easy to understand. And I find that for myself, easy that what he’s telling me and implemented immediately into my agency to make me better videos. Nice. The guy really is genius.

Amazing. I’m actually trying to get into his event in march

Josh Nelson
The funnel hacking live in Orlando?

Alan Hillsberg
Yeah, it’s sold out. I’m on the waiting list. All right. You know, but he’s one. Tim Ferriss tribe of mentors. There’s a lot of great advice from the best in the world. I also like tools of Titans, routines and habits of World Class performers. Yep. That is good as well. But those are the three books that resonate with me right now.

Josh Nelson
Beautiful stuff. So what what would you say to that digital marketing agency owner, that wherever they’re at, you know, it’s just trying to get to the next level to trying to figure out how to grow how to get to the next step, any any nuggets or pieces of wisdom that you can share?

Alan Hillsberg

I think if you’re going to stop by coal coin, which I think most of the group has, it has to do because they don’t have an agent yet. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself because you’ll fail quickly. And then you’ll you’ll start developing a negative attitude was a very, very important part of your, your agency. So go at this your approach UD maybe two or three clients today that are just interested in getting the materials or will be available to a second phone call with you, two or three a day. The end of the week, you’ll have 15 And then month 60 that’s exactly how I started building this agency. Once they started doing that, then I started building the website. Although, you know, I didn’t start the website at the same time, but I didn’t have anything else. I just made the calls. And, you know, the presentation was very, very important, the keynote that and making the calls were the only two things that I concentrated on on the very beginning.

Josh Nelson
Awesome. Well, yeah, I mean, beautiful stuff. Yeah, I couldn’t be more honored to have been part, you know, part of this, this evolution that you had, and you know, kind of moving you from struggling broke to to a really successful seven figure agency that I think is going even to the next level over the next couple years. So it’s been, it’s been awesome to have this interview. I’ve known that you’re doing awesome, but to kind of hear all the details and what you’re up to. I couldn’t be more excited for you and happier to be part of the process.

Alan Hillsberg
Thank you, Josh.

Josh Nelson
So let’s let’s open it up for questions if anybody has any specific questions, and I will say, if you’re listening to this interview, and you know, you’re not already part of the seven figure agency, I encourage you to go to seven figure agency. com. There, you can access a free training series, where I kind of walk you through how we were able to build our agency from zero to $300,000 per month in recurring revenue, hit the Inc 5000 list two years in a row. I really just kind of break down why choosing a niche is the best way how to position yourself as an expert to put together marketing strategies to getting clients coming to you preposition to buy, so you don’t have to make cold calls forever. So again, if you’re already part of the program, and you’d like to learn more, go to seven figure agency. com you can access a great free four part training series. But for now, let’s let’s open it up for questions. For those of you that have feedback or have questions, I see David is saying Great job. Very inspiring. Yeah, I agree. 100% Um, let’s see. So somebody I don’t know the full name, but awesome stuff. And Alan kind of confused with the press release strategy. Can you please walk me through exactly how you prep for their pre plan, pre planning plus city with a press release?

Alan Hillsberg
Um, whoever that is, tell them, they’re part of this group. Right,

Josh Nelson
Josh? They’re part of the group. Yep.

Alan Hillsberg
that whoever that is a PM me. And I’ll be more than happy to show you.

Josh Nelson
Okay. Fair enough. Let’s see Dave’s asking the question. He says at the beginning when you were starting out before you had the team, how did you handle fulfillment?

Alan Hillsberg
I have one SEO group that handled by to film and for all my other agencies,

Josh Nelson
all my other

Alan Hillsberg
clients before I got my With you, I use them to help me.

Josh Nelson
So you have a little bit you had a little bit of a team kind of coming into it and you built it up as the agency grew.

Alan Hillsberg
Right? Okay, I’ve never personally got involved in doing SEO.

Josh Nelson
So even from day one it was it was you had a group of people that you found through up work, or I guess at the time, it was probably a lance or something like that.

Alan Hillsberg
Yeah, I had, I had a nucleus, I had a framework of

people that knew I was going to work with and knew I didn’t have to pay on a weekly basis, but only as those shots came in,

Josh Nelson
right only as as like on a on an as needed basis.

Alan Hillsberg

Josh Nelson
Okay, so, Jean, thanks for joining us. So glad to have you here. On she’s asking, do you start with a narrow local focus or you now marketing nationwide?

Alan Hillsberg
No, I’ve never started with a local focus. Although many of my clients are in New York only because I’m able to visit them. I went for I went nationwide, it didn’t matter there, you know, if you know home in Washington State versus a funeral home in Miami, Florida, they still offer the same services. So my presentation to them was all the same, except I was working in, you know, their area.

Josh Nelson
So what so the question was, did you so obviously you’re nationwide, you can’t limit yourself just to some place in New York. When did your first any of your first couple clients come in your backyard? Or were they all outside the area?

Alan Hillsberg
My very first client golf, you know, funeral home was in New Jersey, which is the next state over Okay. Um, the second client was from New York and then California, Miami, Chicago.

Right away started to test it out.

Josh Nelson
Yeah, that’s awesome. Yeah, I think it’s probably somewhere to to our experience our first one or two were local That way we could be right face to face, we then get the opportunity knock a park, and then instantly started going on a national basis. So that’s a great question. She’s also saying if you’re ever in Myrtle Beach, she’d love to love to get together with you.

Alan Hillsberg
I’ll be at the trade shows in Columbia, South Carolina. I don’t know how close that is to Myrtle Beach, but that’s where I’ll be. Columbia, South Carolina.

Josh Nelson
Okay. Cool. So David’s asking, and we get questions coming in now. So I really appreciate the engagement here, guys. So David’s asking do you run ads in the association newsletter and things like that?

Alan Hillsberg
No, I don’t. Okay. No, I don’t Is it a good idea? Probably. I just thought that the prices were high. And

I chose not to.

Josh Nelson
Okay, good. Good question. Oh, you did something that we in our niche in our associations. We at this point we do by like the cover ad that way they see us when they get those those do letters. So I mean, as the company grows, and as you have a bigger marketing budget, it may be something to look at. And that’s a great question. David,

Alan Hillsberg
did you do that?

early on?

Josh Nelson
Now, we were like, it’s been over the last two years or so we started doing that, because it’s, you’re right, it’s a big expense. There’s not a hard return on investment. But if you really want to saturate that niche, you know that your best clients are in that group that’s getting that circular, at certain point that you know, you can put some money towards it. And

Alan Hillsberg
that makes sense to me.

Josh Nelson
Yeah, right. And then they they come up to you at the booth and they’re like, oh, man, I feel like I feel like I know you I’ve seen your videos I’ve been on your webinars, I get your stuff in the mail. I see you in my newsletter trade journal. And and you start to get that that famous status within your little your little group. So David, small question, that was how many associations in your niche Are you a part of now?

Alan Hillsberg
I’m part of three Actually for associations right now.

Josh Nelson
Okay. Cool. Very cool. Let’s see. Lots of questions coming in. I don’t want to miss you guys as questions. And Alan, this is awesome. So thanks for sticking with us and answering the questions.

So Brian’s asking if you could elaborate a little bit on the specific services being offered at the start. Was the package. Was it a package or was it separate? And what price point did you start at? So he did answer that at the beginning kind of explained that he comes in with the package. Can you just talk through that a little bit more and kind of what your price points were out of the gates on that back

Alan Hillsberg
then? My original price points were at 1500 and 2000. But I got pushed back with those price points for SEO and review.

You know, review management

I came down, I found that my sweet spot was around 1259 95 to 1250. I really take client under 1000 a month.

And their services are good, but they they’re not everything that I can provide for them

back then, and it’s still the same as it was.

Josh Nelson
OK, so in that 1000 to 1500 dollar range.

Alan Hillsberg
Yeah, yeah. 1250 those 1009 95 to 1250 is my sweet spot.

Josh Nelson
Okay. And I see that a go up when you start doing some Pay Per Click management and things like that for the client.

Alan Hillsberg
Right? Right. Cool. I do have clients are spending a lot of money and pay per click.

Josh Nelson
David says he’s got a lead that he might be able to refer you to a local hospice.

Alan Hillsberg
dead dead. It’s been a big day to do says that a big help to me. Okay a lot these years sending me stuff that all good stuff that I was able to implement and use.

Josh Nelson
Awesome Yeah. David David

Alan Hillsberg
day Thank you.

Josh Nelson
Yeah, he’s he’s awesome. So David’s asking if you’re if you’re facing any competitors in your nature a lot of a lot of competition.

Alan Hillsberg
There is competition in my niche, yes, more established firms. But I don’t find myself going face to face with them, you know head to head with them. There There is another company out there that works only on the social media side, which is what they call pre need, you know, people that are pre planning, funeral arrangements where I do more at need, you know, people that want to report a death you know, and some more different types of marketing.

I don’t have

I don’t Have

a direct competition or or a competition that I feel

Josh Nelson
right? He’s asking for better their price points similar lower higher.

Alan Hillsberg
Well, the social media guy who I became friendly with has similar price for instance,

as I do, okay,

um, the other competition I don’t know. Got it.

Josh Nelson
these are these are great, great questions as we start to wrap this up. I do want to say this has been phenomenal. If you’re watching this after the fact if you’re watching it live, I expect all of you to send a big thank you note to Allen for for sharing his information, sharing his experience, just tremendous what you what you’ve done. So don’t let it be lost on you that when somebody opens themself up like this, and they put themselves out there, you know, they start to wonder it was that good that I add value. And I could tell you Alan, you just rocked it. You just provided such great value. Don’t be the guy that got tremendous value and doesn’t send a thank you to Alan for what he’s done over the last hour, hour and 10 minutes here with us. So, Jeanne has a good follow up. She says she got some refer clients to add her to a closed Facebook group. So like for instance, you know, in in my space there’s plumbing and HVAC marketing or plumbing and HVAC specific groups where they hang out on Facebook and they talk she says that’s been tremendous for her to get clients in her Association. might be something to look at. I don’t know if funeral directors are hanging out on Facebook and communicating back and forth but I guess it’s it’s possible.

She says thanks, Alan. Great stuff on GG says when I do a Google search here in Myrtle Beach for funeral home marketing services. Alan comes up number one, so nicely done from an SEO perspective out

Alan Hillsberg
Yeah, definitely. We, we definitely come up with Hey, look, if I can’t do it for myself, how am I going

to do for my clients

Josh Nelson
got eat your own dog food, guys, you know I mean in your niche and it’s not that hard, right? These are not a lot of people that are targeting niches. There’s not a lot of people putting out great content, you know, shame on you if you’re not doing well from organic perspective for your own services. And you should probably be bidding on those terms via Pay Per Click as well with it wouldn’t cost you that much from a budgeting perspective. So

Alan Hillsberg
I look you know, I learned a lot from everyone else as well. Even yesterday, they took a look at that new website that one of the newer

Josh Nelson
David Yeah, David put it up,

Alan Hillsberg
man that that was beautiful. And I started to inspire me to go ahead and change my whole look

Josh Nelson
as well. Nice. Awesome. Well, I think we’re coming to the close point of this interview. Again, Alan tremendous stuff. Thank you for sharing For those of you that are listening, you know, go to go to seven figure agency. com If you’re not already a member, if you are a member, be sure to post your comments your feedback, send a personal message to Alan thanking him for for sharing such great information and being such an inspiration. And I will give you the last word, Alan.

Alan Hillsberg
Well, you know, look for everyone that’s on the call. If you’re interested in anything that I might be doing that you might want to implement in your own industry, your own agency, don’t hesitate to PME will set something up, I’ll show you what I’m doing. And I’ll be

happy to help.

Josh Nelson
Awesome, tremendously generous. And with that, we will we will close. Thanks guys for joining us live. Thanks for watching this possibly listening to it as a podcast. And if you get value for this type of information would help if you’d go on to whatever channel you’re listening to it on, whether it’s Facebook, iTunes, YouTube, go and post a comment. But, you know, Share, share your feedback, and we’ll talk to you guys again soon.

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