Are you ready to start planning for growth in your digital marketing agency? It’s important to get clear on where you want to go and plan ahead so that you can get there. If you fail to plan then you plan to fail. I like to create a yearly plan, a quarterly plan, and a monthly plan. But in order for those plans to work, I need to pause and reflect as well. On this episode, I’m going to teach you not just how to plan for growth but how to put processes in place so that you can achieve your goals.

Are you ready to close the year strong? Do you have a clear plan of attack as it relates to your marketing & growing your agency? Have you put together an updated plan to WIN in Q4? On this webinar, we’ll help you build a rock-solid plan based on what worked for us and hundreds of agencies across the country. If you’d like more tips, ideas & strategies for growing & scaling your Digital Marketing Agency go to There you will get a free training video that explains how we built our internet marketing agency from ZERO to over $300K per month ($3M Per Year). Go to now.

Outline of This Episode

  • [3:22] How much do you charge per month?
  • [11:39] Set your goals and then reflect
  • [19:45] What are your numbers?
  • [24:35] Without a plan in place your goal won’t happen
  • [29:39] What are the elements of the 7 figure agency plan?
  • [36:11] Do you have the right model to build to scale?
  • [48:32] How to fill the funnel
  • [53:20] How to build your list
  • [65:21] What 3 projects can you focus on over the next quarter?
  • [75:43] Plug your projects into your calendar right now

What phase of agency growth are you in?

There are different phases of agency growth. First, there’s the starting phase when you are just trying to land your first few clients. Then comes the struggle phase. During the struggle phase, you are focusing on gaining more clients. Once you achieve $15,000 per month you finally get to the phase where you can scale. Your focus is fulfilling orders well and maintaining your clients. You are building your team and putting systems in place. At $50,000 per month, you have finally achieved success. You have more freedom and money. Next, you can consider the significance phase. Once you reach 7 figures you get to the phase you can feel good about your impact and enjoy your freedom and success. Are you ready to start planning for growth so that you can reach significance?

What are the key elements to a 7 figure agency plan?

There are 3 core elements to reaching that 7 figure goal.

  1. Get clients. Create a strategy that gets clients to come to you on a consistent basis. Build authority in your niche so that your clients come to you for advice and see you as the expert.
  2. Fulfill the service. Next, you need to learn to get the work done in a way that results in more clients and doesn’t require you to do everything yourself. Have a sales process that you can package and systematize. Develop a team either virtual or live, it doesn’t matter. Just know that without a team and systems in place you will not have the freedom to enjoy your success and you won’t be able to scale.
  3. You also have to retain clients long-term. First off, you have to kick the relationship off in an amazing way. Once you cement the relationship they will feel confident in you. Create a monthly plan for communication so your clients always know where they stand. Have a mechanism to see the vision. And make sure your clients can see the vision you have for them. Let them know how are you going to keep them growing.

How to fill your funnel

You can’t just take someone off the streets and sell them your $2000 a month package. There is an order in which people gain clients. Clients start out as suspects then become prospects after which they become leads and finally they become clients. Don’t try to skip these steps, instead try to gather more suspects to move up the ladder. To do that you need a CRM with a database. Then you need an opt-in funnel in which your suspects get a sequence of emails. Then once they are exposed to your lead magnet they can reach your appointment funnel where they can make a 1 on 1 appointment with you. Then you need ongoing content development to add value to your database. Listen to this episode to find out how you can get started by building your list full of suspects.

Start planning for growth

Are you ready to plan your next quarter? Create your momentum by planning the next quarter today. It is important to write down your goals. Writing down your goals is one of the most important things you can do to achieve success. Unfortunately, you don’t just need goals, you need to create a plan to achieve those goals. If you are ready to start planning for growth in your digital marketing agency then listen to this episode to discover how to set clear, written, actionable goals for the next quarter.

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