Have you been sending cold email with little to no reply? ????

Sending hundreds or thousands of emails hoping for a flood of leads only to hear crickets?

It could be that you’re taking the wrong approach. You have to shift your thinking from “BROADCAST” to Long Term Nurture.

Ideally, you should build a cold outreach on-ramp to transition cold prospects to your long term nurture process and start adding value to their world in advance of doing business with you.

In this way, you can leverage cold outreach to develop relationships, plant seeds, and land clients.

❗️…there is more to it than just sending a blast or two…

????Post “Long Term” in the comments and I’ll send you training where I outline how to do this effectively.

Read the full transcription of the video here:

Hey, this is Josh Nelson with the Seven Figure Agency! I wanted to shoot a quick video on the topic of cold outreach and long term nurture. You know, a lot of people are really fixated on how do I land clients with cold outreach, right, and they scrape emails, and they like send a couple emails out and hope that the prospect raises their hand and turns into a prospect. What I found is, when you do that in volume, I’m talking about 500 plus every single week, you might get one or two decent replies per week, very little. Now, that’s enough to kind of get some momentum and to get some appointments scheduled, but it’s not really enough to build a business on right. You can’t just brute force your way into landing clients on a consistent basis.

And so there has to be a delicate balance between scraping the email list, sending some emails to kind of get some raised hands, but then thinking long term about how do we shift that into a kind of like a soft onboard knowing once we send them a couple emails, we’re going to add them to our long term nurture process that’s going to add value to their world, right? So we send two or three emails, Hey, are you looking to get this or, hey, I’m looking to work with one type of company in your market. And hopefully they respond. But then if they haven’t unsubscribed and we’re doing this in mass, we can start to develop our database. And we can invite them to our webinars. And we can send them case studies. And we can roll out new information to them. So that over time, as opposed to just being a spammy guy that sent them random messages, you’re a value added provider, they start to know like and trust you and want to hire you.

So I just want to make sure that distinction is clear. Yeah, we want to be scraping. Yeah, we want to be sending cold messaging. But over the long term, we want to start developing relationships with the list. So I’ve got some great content on this particular topic. How do we go from cold to long term nurture, if you’d like that? Put in the comments, long term, right, just put in long term, I’ll hook you up with some training I’ve done that really walks you through this process. So make sure you’re planting good seeds. You’re reaching out to new people on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. But you’ve also got a strategic process to develop that relationship. I’ll talk to you soon

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