Top Podcasts for Digital Marketing Agencies


The digital marketing landscape changes rapidly. By the time you read something in a book, it’s likely to be outdated. Keeping up with the latest tools, strategies, and tactics is a full-time job, and as a marketing agency owner, frankly, you don’t have the time. The beauty of podcasts is that you can listen to them anytime and [...]

Top Podcasts for Digital Marketing Agencies2024-04-24T19:08:35+00:00

How to Calculate Client Retention Rate


More than just a post on how to track client retention or client churn rate...I want this post to be about WHY tracking your retention rate is so critical to the success or failing of your marketing agency. You can't build a successful marketing agency if you don't retain your clients. You won't retain clients if you don't [...]

How to Calculate Client Retention Rate2022-04-27T16:56:14+00:00

Cold Outreach Strategies: How to Get High Quality List Data that Drives Results


If you’ve ever used cold email outreach as a way of generating qualified prospects, you know it’s a mixed bag. There are a number of hurdles to get over in order to do it well. For many people, they simply don’t know how to do it well… but that’s not the first hurdle. The FIRST problem in [...]

Cold Outreach Strategies: How to Get High Quality List Data that Drives Results2022-05-25T21:13:32+00:00

Getting Short Videos Right


People want more short-form videos. More importantly, people want content on the go. They still want their questions answered… They want to discover solutions… But they also want everything presented in a more condensed way! So, how do you bring it all together on your agency’s video content? I'll tell you a couple of things you have [...]

Getting Short Videos Right2021-10-12T13:58:00+00:00

Multi-Dimensional Content


I have a question. What’s the first idea that pops into your head when you think about the type of video you should create for your agency? Is it the expert position video? To define, expert position videos are very focused on providing information about what you do. These are your “I have the answer to get [...]

Multi-Dimensional Content2021-09-08T20:55:36+00:00

Optimizing Social Media Video Content


I talk to my clients a lot about content creation. And I can’t emphasize enough how impactful video content can be for an agency. I’m talking about optimized video content for social media in particular. Now, I realize that for many people, this can be a complex process. Perhaps they’re unsure about how long their videos should [...]

Optimizing Social Media Video Content2021-09-08T21:02:12+00:00

The 1/9/90 Rule


It may not seem like it now, but some 8 or 11 years ago, I didn’t have much self-confidence. I remember asking myself… Who am I to create content? Why would anyone want to hear what I have to say? Is what I’m bringing to the table valuable enough or should I drop this idea altogether? Maybe [...]

The 1/9/90 Rule2021-09-08T21:02:54+00:00

Content Reach and Syndication


Let me ask you something… Once you create your agency’s video content and upload them to the platform of your choice, what do you do next? Do you just leave it out there, hoping people will see it? The reason I asked is that video production is one thing, but marketing is a different beast.  In fact, [...]

Content Reach and Syndication2021-08-30T20:20:15+00:00

The Freestyle Framework


I’m a big believer in video content.  When done right, it can engage your agency’s target audience much faster than the written word.  Now, I won’t even talk about the confidence and trust that you can demand when you appear on camera. Just know that prospects respond better to this type of content… if done right. You [...]

The Freestyle Framework2021-08-27T21:07:27+00:00

Video Production Tips


I’m curious. How often do you create video content? The reason I asked is that if you’re not consistently putting out high-quality video content, there’s a high chance you’ll struggle to build authority. And this could lead to low positioning and low organic momentum for your agency. Now, you may think that consistently creating excellent video content [...]

Video Production Tips2021-08-25T14:05:23+00:00
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