Thanks again for participating in our 4-Part Video series on how we built our agency to the INC 5,000 list and you can do the same.

In Video #1 I explained why it’s so powerful to focus your agency on a specific niche. If you missed it, you can go back and watch that video by clicking here.

On this video, I will explain how to position yourself as the EXPERT in your chosen niche. The fact is, the EXPERT gets the lion share of the business and it’s not that hard to earn expert status in the eyes of your prospects.

Watch the video now:

On the next video in the 4-part series, I will talk about attracting clients with magnetic marketing. You can have the best positioning in the world but if the clients in your niche don’t know about you…you will still fail to bring in new clients on a consistent basis.

The fact is…you have to have a proactive multi-channel marketing strategy that includes inbound, outbound, online & offline if you really want to succeed in this business.

On video #3 I will share with you how we market our agency to bring in new clients month after month. You can register for the full 4-part video series by clicking here.